Review of HON2 OST by Core and Co

"La mise en son, qui met particulièrement en avant les éléments rythmiques, est impeccable". Note: 9/10
Core and Co

Asciimov est l’avatar de NHT (As Light DiesDeemtee et depuis peu Void) pour créer de la musique liée au monde du jeu vidéo. J’avais déjà eu l’occasion de vous parler de son premier album, Bloom OST, bande-son du mod crossover entre DooM et Blood. On reste dans le domaine du FPS (First-Person Shooter) pour sa deuxième sortie, puisqu’il s’agit de la bande-son composée pour Hands of Necromancy 2, publié par le studio français HON Team en septembre dernier. Je n’ai pas eu l’occasion d’y jouer, ni personne dans mon entourage, qui compte pourtant quelques gamers. Le jeu plonge le joueur dans un monde de dark fantasy avec des graphismes rétros, un peu dans la veine de ceux d’Heretic. La musique du premier épisode, en 2022, avait été composée par Luke Jansen, un artiste bien connu dans le monde du jeu vidéo.

La musique est composée et interprétée presque exclusivement par Oscar Martin, qui s’est chargé des instruments traditionnels du Metal, mais aussi de l’accordéon, de la flûte de montagne, du charango, du tambourin, du violon, des bois… ainsi que de tous les aspects techniques (production, mixage, mastering). Quelques invités viennent prêter leurs voix pour délivrer des chœurs inquiétants ou des lignes de cornemuse. La mise en son, qui met particulièrement en avant les éléments rythmiques, est impeccable. La musique, foncièrement médiévalisante et orchestrale, colle parfaitement à l’esprit med-fan du jeu. Comme je l’écrivais plus haut, je n’ai pas eu l’occasion d’incarner Acheron ou Phaedra, les deux héros (au choix), mais cette bande-son semble bien retranscrire les atmosphères de Hands of Necromancy 2. On imagine sans peine les pérégrinations des deux sorciers explorant des cryptes humides, affrontant des créatures malfaisantes ou une scène de boss épique.

Pour autant, Asciimov a pris soin de construire cet OST à la manière d’un album plus traditionnel. Par exemple, le titre « Mire of Secrets and Mysteries », placé au milieu, peut être vu comme l’un des points culminants des ambiances. Je ne suis pas un grand adepte des musiques de jeux vidéo habituellement, mais celles de Diablo II, par Matt Uelmen, ou du premier Witcher, par Paweł Błaszczak et Adam Skorupa, ne me semblent pas éloignées. Pour l’occasion, l’Espagnol ne s’est pas contenté des styles variés qu’il pratique habituellement. Il mêle adroitement musique orchestrale, Neo-folk, Synthwave, Metal, Dungeon Synth… pour un résultat final cohérent qui s’écoute d’une traite, malgré ses soixante-dix minutes.

Les nappes électroniques plongent l’auditeur dans un gouffre sonore où chaque note semble invoquer les morts, avec des percussions martiales et des cordes oppressantes qui imitent les battements d’un cœur en pleine résurrection nécromante. On peut également penser aux bandes originales de Conan Le Barbare ou à Wardruna.

Review of HON2 OST by Core and Co Leer más »

Alex Morean will join Asciimov for Silicon Heaven album

I’m honored to announce that Alex Morean will be joining the recording of the bass for the upcoming ASCIIMOV album, titled «Silicon Heaven».

Alex Morean is a multi-talented artist and a member of bands such as Aversio Humanitatis, The Oldest House, Velo Misere, and Selbst. His contribution will bring a new sonic dimension to this project, and we couldn’t be more excited about it. madre esse jarl aliqua llevame al sircoo. De la pradera ullamco qué dise usteer está la cosa muy malar.

Alex Morean will join Asciimov for Silicon Heaven album Leer más »

Entrevista con Nahrayan Podcast

Ya se puede escuchar la entrevista que me hace el equipo de Nahrayan Podcast en el capítulo 36.

Ha sido un placer charlar con Juanj0))) sobre mi trayectoria, mis proyectos actuales y futuros, y algunos temas interesantes relacionados con la música, el cine, la literatura y los videojuegos.

Hablamos a fondo de:
💿 Hands of Necromancy 2 (2024) de Asciimov
💿 Strange Aeons & Deliriums (2023) de Deemtee
🎻 Y de As Light Dies y Garth Arum.

También hablamos de experiencia como músico en directo con bandas como DHG/Dødheimsgard Official y Void, además de reflexionar sobre el Avant-garde en el metal y más cosas interesantes.

🔗 Podéis escucharlo en las siguientes plataformas:
👉 Spotify
👉 Ivoox
👉 Apple Podcasts
👉 Deezer
👉 Amazon Music—asciimov—deemtee?ref=dm_sh_XRbdI1jtajJ2HOxqApDhYyKFl&fbclid=IwY2xjawHzqj5leHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHVziyvwUO5WKuNyXg8qZDPpGTOsQ132gXd-dueB76OGzUHy8KfBmlVnrMA_aem_5qLnyxO2gyfFH991FdObiQ

Entrevista con Nahrayan Podcast Leer más »

Joining Void (UK)

Next year I’m playing guitars in Void, a very good and veteran avant-garde black metal band from England with some members and ex-members of Dødheisgard. You should listen their music if you didn’t, but I specially recommend their last album Jadjow.

Cam out -> Oscar In!!
Yes folks, sadly it’s time to say goodbye to our dear Cam Giraudeau, the Drowned Witch @cam_drownedwitch , without whom the magic of Jadjow would never have happened. Cam is departing Void to free up more time for his other projects, which are all ramping up and demanding more attention: DHG/Dødheimsgard Official, @Doedsmaghird and Dreams of the Drowned. We wish him all the very best and commend him on finally realising you can’t be in every atom on every plane of existence at the same time. So Long Cam and thanks for all the riffs!
Void are delighted to announce that taking his place for our upcoming Live shows (and foreseeable) will be multi-instrumentalist @nnightmarerr Oscar Martín Diez-Canseco, of numerous avant garde metal and other genre projects, including: As Light Dies Garth Arum Asciimov and Deemtee
Join us in welcoming this amazing talent at the first Jadjow era Void show in London on February 1st at Dark CloudsOver Camden Retribution Alive: Dark Clouds Over Camden

Joining Void (UK) Leer más »

Dodheimsgard in Roadburn Fest 2025 (Tilburg, NL)

After Inferno Fest, Cristina and I will join again Dodheinsgard for Roadburn Festival 2025 in Tilburg, to perform full Black Medium Current album.

Very excited to play Roadburn next year.
In a genre where «special» sets always means playing decades old records, makes it extra special that Roadburn wanted a special set consisting of a record made last year. A dream come true for yours truely for sure.
I wanna share some thoughts my close friend Mat McNerney took the time and care to compile on his own initiative. Thank you, both thoughtful and insightful as always my friend:
«An important thing to happen I feel, where a truly innovative and ground-breaking Norwegian Black Metal band DHG/Dødheimsgard Official gets booked to Roadburn. A critical tipping point perhaps for the genre if I may be so bold, and in my humble opinion.
Roadburn is well known for booking bands that push the boundaries of heavy music and their tagline, «Redefining Heaviness», amplifies their intent to do so. Yes we have seen minor and trad Black Metal bands or new fangled ones claiming to be, of all shapes and sizes play Roadburn before. Sometimes to my ears it’s felt that, some of those newer Black Metal acts are uninformed, newb outsiders, co-opting or «culturally appropriating» the genre for want of a talking point, rather than actual genre-shifting music. It’s all good. New stuff has to come out and be championed and Roadburn is essential for that. However, I cannot think of another true Norwegian Black Metal band that has had such a real and definite influential impact on the genre, being able to sit beside an act like Michael Gira of Swans or Steve Von Till from Neurosis and command the same artistic weight and merit as DHG.
All the while, throughout the years, Yusaf Parvez and his musicians (rather than characters and meme-geists that some of the old 90s Norwegian BM media fame seekers have become), refuse to become a tribute act resting on the laurels of an increasingly irrelevant past (ahem Dimmu Borgir etc). My criteria for using that term, «true Black Metal» about DHG is of course my own and there are those purists who will refuse to accept that the genre can ever be more than a very restrictive definition. It’s a «one false move and you’re out of the club» scenario for them. Fine, it’s your cake and you can eat it. However, as someone who has briefly been in Dødheimsgard, come into it from the outside and lived to tell the tale, I know without a doubt that the band has been and always will be from that true source. A listen to the album that they have been booked to play, Black Medium Current, and why it is such an important album for them to play in this context, reveals that they remain true to that spirit of individualism that made the scene what it was at the time (yes Kronet Til Konge was actually as late as 1995, but who with any little sense doesn’t put that album in the pantheon of the greats?).
As Kerrang said, they are «still throttling into the unhinged unknown» or Blabbermouth about them: «just as they have done since the end of the 20th century, Norway’s premier eccentrics are dealing with bigger ideas and grander ambitions than most». Black Medium Current does the unthinkable, it actually musically innovates and updates the genre in 2024. Not from the place of someone who wasn’t there in the early 90s but from one of the bands who defined it. That’s part of why the album has been on so many top 10 lists I reckon and surprisingly why the old guard have taken it to their hearts, perhaps including re-appraising the bands past, now they can see the red line through their creative arc? Of course you can ignore Black Medium Current and what it means. Stay hung up on the blueprint of spikes and leather your whole life if you want. I shamelessly love retro Metal. Nothing wrong with cosplay. But an Instagram camping essentials kit list does not a hiker make!
If we go back, it’s hard to even explain what a seismic impact Satanic Art and 666 International had upon their release, but there was palpable shock, awe and I would say a nervousness within the bands of their national scene. Like all truly great art it was then controversial and met with some kick back from the stuck in the mud traditionalist international audiences (if we think about the tour after 666 with Dimmu Borgir for example). Ulver, I would say, left the genre behind so long ago and if we take the example of say Enslaved, they have brought elements of retro Prog into their work, but isn’t it merely swapping one retro element for another (and I say this from a place of admiration for their work) rather than changing the game? I think about Deathcrush and the Conrad Schnitzler intro – Silvester Anfang and where we can see that influence of ideas better now in a Norwegian band of this era than in DHG? Fearlessness about genre clashing and embracing non traditional cultural musical references (ie things that are not acceptable or deemed cool) are what for me opens intellectual dialogue in a more effortless way than gestures about an artistic aesthetic or political ideology, no matter how genuine or worthy. Even scientific studies say music transcends cultural boundaries, louder than politics. But there too, unafraid to stare cancel culture in the face, DHG have played a controversial festival like Steelfest and taken the discussion head-on. As someone so rightfully commented on Roadburn’s page: «they have replied and explained why they played there. They are not a right wing band, whether or not one agrees with playing that fest or not seems besides the point.»
Vicotnik, of Indian descent, was wearing colourful makeup, sequined top and a skirt in 1999, shooting you with a wink and a plastic toy gun, and yet it’s only now that a dialogue about race, sexuality and/or gender in Black Metal is somehow ultra-modern?!
Perhaps I’m a grumpy old gatekeeper or still a niave fanboy without a clue, but I think it’s a brave and bold booking and I just wanted to express my excitement. To Walter and Becky and Yusaf I tip my hat. I have never hidden my unbridled enthusiasm for both Roadburn and DHG. Now two worlds collide in a way that makes my own sonic universe sit right. ALL WITHIN, WE WILL WIN!»
Mat Mcnerney

Dodheimsgard in Roadburn Fest 2025 (Tilburg, NL) Leer más »

Dodheimsgard in Inferno Fest (Oslo) 2025

Cristina R Galván and I will be part of Dodheimsgard show in Inferno Fest, Oslo in 2025.

Being my home turf, we’re gonna prepare something quite unique.

In the vibrant spirit of collaboration and artistic expression, DHG (Dødheimsgard) is set to deliver a memorable performance at the esteemed Inferno Festival during Easter 2025. This special show promises to be a remarkable fusion of avant-garde black metal and experimental soundscapes, showcasing DHG’s evolution as a band while honouring their roots. Fans can anticipate an immersive experience, featuring a carefully curated setlist that will highlight an innovative presentation of new and old material. With the Inferno Festival’s reputation for celebrating the best in the extreme music scene, we have bestowed upon DHG the honour of opening the 2025 event with extended stage time starting at 16:15. In return, DHG promises to deliver a once-in-a-lifetime performance with multiple twists and turns.

Dodheimsgard in Inferno Fest (Oslo) 2025 Leer más »

Ave Noctum reviews Hands of Necromancy 2

Asciimov has produced a genuinely fine work here. It does transport me, it does paint pictures in my mind and it does move me. And I think anyone with an interest in medieval ambience, dungeon synth or smooth electronic fantasy worlds would genuinely enjoy this. I certainly did.
Ave Noctum 8/10

Ave Noctum reviews Hands of Necromancy 2 Leer más »

Asciimov’s Hands of Necromancy 2 has been released!

Hands of Necromancy 2 soundtrack has been just released!
🎶 Listening Party Alert! 🎶
Tomorrow, October 30th, join us on Bandcamp for a special listening party to celebrate the release of Asciimov’s new album, Hands of Necromancy 2!
Immerse yourself in every track of this epic soundtrack, perfect for fans of dark, atmospheric, and high-energy music. We’ll dive into this sonic journey together, sharing thoughts and enjoying the inspiration each note brings.
Bring your headphones and get ready for an immersive experience! Don’t miss this chance to connect with other music and gaming enthusiasts. See you there! 🎧

Asciimov’s Hands of Necromancy 2 has been released! Leer más »