The renowned American webzine NO CLEAN SINGING is premiering “Strange Aeons & Deliriums” today, the revolutionary second full-length studio album by the avantgarde black metal trailblazers Deemtee, along with a deep and interesting review (thank you so much Islander for your support)… you are all invited to enjoy the album in exclusivity two days before its release, I’m pretty sure that you will be surprised!
Es un álbum que merece la atención de aquellos que buscan una experiencia musical única y envolvente. Deemtee ha entregado un trabajo que destaca por su originalidad. Muy recomendado!!
Review by the Spanish webzine La muerte tenía un blog.
Regardless of the labels and bands I may mention here, DEEMTEE is something genuine and of extremely high quality, so much so that I am amazed when I hear it.
No Clean Singing reviewed the following drum playthrough.
The new song in this video isn’t identified, and there are no vocals, but it includes lots of interesting instrumental interplay. At the start you’ll hear a vibrant, syncopated drum rhythm, subtly murmuring bass, and an almost playful riff — a riff that twists itself further into dissonance and gloom before the drummer kicks his kit-steed into a gallop and the guitars begin to flicker and flare in a semblance of dementia.
In my opinion Deemtee are a very great sounding psychedelic, experimental and avant garde black metal solo project and if you are a fan of this musical genre, you should check out this album.
To cut it short, it's rather innovative and way experimental, if you ask me, it's something you have to listen to a couple of times to understand and get the real idea of its creator!!!